Curve Shoot

Curve Shoot

Curve shoot is the most important football skill. To be a professional football you need to know how to bend the ball while passing a long ball to a player, crossing the ball from corner or shooting a free kick for outside the D area. It is not as easy as it looks like. It takes a lot of practice and accuracy to bend a ball in mid-air.

During a match a player will face many situations where he has to use a curve shoot, so it’s a must learn skill for a player now a day’s especially for midfielders and forwards. A new football player must need to spend a handsome amount of time to practice and master this skill.

There are many ways to perform this skill. You need to learn how to kick the ball with different amount of strength and spin. This skill can be very useful to beat your opponent and goal keeper. Knowing how to curl a ball gives a football player shooting options during a match.

It is frequently used skill by professional football player in corner kicks, free kicks and long passes.. You need to focus these key points to practice the curve shoot.

For a free kick, place the ball off-center and 5 to 8 feet away from your position.

Approach the ball from the right side if you want to kick the ball with your left foot and vice versa.

Placement of your standing foot is very important to curve the ball in the free kick.

Hit the ball with the outer side of your dominant foot to curve (spin outside) the ball.

Hit the ball with the inner side of your dominant foot to curve (spin inside) the ball.

Strike the ball with different position of your foot to change the amount of spin.

Follow through of you leg with the kick is very important for bending the ball.

Practice will make you an expert bender of the ball.

Youtuber "Soccer Reviews for you"  has a fascinating and easy to learn tutorial about curve shooting skill. Below is the video which will help you to learn the Curve shoot skill quite easily.

Curve Shoot Curve Shoot Reviewed by MehranSaeed on November 13, 2019 Rating: 5

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