Elastico Skill (Flip - Flop)
Elastico (Flip - Flop) skill
Elastico is also known as Flip – Flop is a football dribbling skill in which a player fools the defender by the quick two touches of the ball in opposite direction. Player moves the ball with his dominant foot and heads toward one direction. When defender follows his direction, forwards change the direction with second touch of his inner foot in the opposite direction.
Elastico is a deadly move which can deceive a defender easily. The skill was invented by Brazilian football player Sergio Echigo in 1964. Many players have preformed this skill on the pitch. Brazilian magician Ronaldinho was the master of elastico. He was famous for his elastico skill because of him “Elastico is also known as “the Gaucho”. You need to focus these key points to practice Elastico.
Always do this skill with your dominant
Touch the ball with outer of your
dominant foot and fake the move to outer direction.
Change the direction of the ball
with inner of your dominant foot.
Touch the outside than inside of
the ball in a single motion.
You should move your body with the
ball to fake the move.
Defender will get deceive and you
will get plenty of room to get out of his reach.
The skill requires a lot of
practice to execute perfectly on the pitch.
This skill is used when defender
covers the forward completely.
Youtuber Daniel Cutting has a brilliant and easy to learn tutorial about Elastico / Flip -Flop skill. Below is the video which will help you to learn the Elastico skill quite easily.
Elastico Skill (Flip - Flop)
Reviewed by MehranSaeed
November 13, 2019

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