Maradona skill (Roulette 360)

Maradona skill (Roulette 360)

This skill has many titles like “the Marseille turn”, “the Maradona”, “the Roulette 360”, “the Zidane Pirouette” and “the spin move”. Many famous players used this skill on the pitch. Diago Maradona is reported as the founder of this skill. Zidane also used to perform and execute this skill perfectly to beat the defender.

Roulette 360 is a complicated and advance skill in football. You a player execute this skill correctly it allows the player to move around more than one defender very easily. It also help a player to change direction in a very narrow space at great pace.

 It is very difficult for a defender to predict and defend the Marseille turn on the pitch. It is also difficult for a forward to master this skill but once a player learns this skill, it not only improves the dribbling skill of player but also looks cool while performing during a match. You need to focus these key points to practice “the Maradona”.

Your body should have flexibility while running to perform this skill. There are many exercises to generate flexibility in your body.

Dribble the ball in front of you and wait for the defender to approach you.

Once the defender comes very near you, stop the ball and drag it back by your dominant foot.

Rotate 180 degree with the ball and bring the defender on your backside.

Complete 360 degree turn by rolling the ball with your non-dominant foot.

This will beat your defender and will give your enough room to get out of the reach of your opponent.

Once you master this skill, try to increase your speed of dribbling and turning with the ball.

It’s effective move to execute in one-on-one situation. Correctly performed Roulette 360 skill always gets cheers from the audience.

You need to practice a lot during the training session before actually perform it on the pitch in front of live audience.

Youtuber "AllAttack" has a interesting and easy to learn tutorial about Maradona skill /Roulette 360. Below is the video which will help you to learn the Maradona  skill quite easily.

Maradona skill (Roulette 360) Maradona skill (Roulette 360) Reviewed by MehranSaeed on November 13, 2019 Rating: 5

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