Nutmeg skill
Nutmeg (Panna) skill
Nutmeg or Panna is a famous football skill
in which a player successfully dribbles the ball through the legs of opponent
player. Nutmeg is embarrassing for the victim player and Crowd love this skill
when it is executed perfectly.
Nutmeg is a very useful skill for
a forward and can demoralize the defender if executed correctly. Players use
Nutmeg to show-off his skills and ball control. The skill is very popular in
football and audience love to watch this skill during live match. When a player
successfully Nutmegs a defender then crowd fill with delight.
Nutmeg is the most famous and
frequently used move in free style football. There are many ways of perform
nutmeg and the best situation to use this skill is when a defender rushes towards
you to win the ball.
Many football players use this
technique during a match. Players who are famous for their Nutmeg skill are
Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Neymar and Ronaldinho. You need to focus these key points to practice Nutmeg.
The best time to perform nutmeg to
a player is when you are 100% sure for its success because if you will lose the
ball while doing nutmeg than It will frustrate you and your teammates.
Do not let your opponent know that
you are going to Nutmeg him. He will surly commit a foul.
Nutmeg can be performed
successfully on a player who is rushing to fast towards you.
Try this skill when you are near
the sideline, corner edge or in the opponent half.
Nutmeg is performed perfectly when
a defender least expects it.
Don’t try this trick in your own half.
Losing ball will lead to a counter attack.
Nutmeg is not an easy technique
and needs a lot of practice.
Youtuber "freekickerz" has an amazing and easy to learn tutorial about Nutmeg / Panna skill. Below is the video which will help you to learn the Nutmeg / Panna skill quite easily.
Nutmeg skill
Reviewed by MehranSaeed
November 13, 2019

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