Rabona Skill


Rabona is a versatile skill in football to kick the ball by wrapping the leg around the standing leg. It is difficult to perform but it’s a show-stopping move if executed perfectly. Players use Rabona on the pitch to show their extraordinary skills and control. Sometimes players want to cross with dominant foot from the opposite side and they use Rabona to execute cross perfectly. Like if a left footed player crosses from the right side than Rabona would be the best option.

Brazilian football player Pele was the inventor of Rabona. He performed this skill during a match in 1957 São Paulo state championship. Many other players have performed this skill perfectly during match including Neymar, Ronaldo and Di Maria. You need to focus these key points to practice Rabona.

Dribble with the ball in a straight line and gain some speed.

Keep the ball near while running and Place your weaker foot firmly on ground near the ball
Ball should be outside of your non-dominant foot.

Distance between you standing foot and ball should be 20 cm to 25 cm to get a perfect powerful shot. 

If your weaker foot is very close to ball than you will not get perfect elevation of ball.

 Lean your body away (backward) with your arm stretched out. It will give you balance and build power to execute the skill correctly.

Focus on the part of the ball where you want to hit. This part needs a lot of practice to hit the ball accurately.

Swing your dominant foot from back of your standing leg and hit the ball on the bottom of the ball to get elevation.

Youtuber "7mlc"  has a facinating and easy to learn tutorial about Rabona skill. Below is the video which will help you to learn the Rabona skill quite easily.

Rabona Skill Rabona Skill Reviewed by MehranSaeed on November 13, 2019 Rating: 5

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